Thursday, 28 September 2017

#13 Mt. Pulai, checked!

So cerita dia haritu plan nak duduk rumah je weekend, yelah, baru balik from yb kan, kononnya nak jd normal lah, and having a normal weekend like org lain, attend kenduri kahwin etc, until I realize that I can't. Lol. The inner part of me whom belongs to the wood takleh nak nego, first, sebab member semua angkat sauh so I jealous, second, sbb p lrt gombak and nampak ramai org gather nak p trip. MANA BOLEHHHHHH

So, tangan pun gatai ah text kakmaria, ajak p Nuang. Plan dia sebenarnya nak menuang je. Dak dak yb nak p Pulai, kita pun takpelah, kitorg p Nuang je. Tetiba bangun pagi Sabtu tu, bukak whatsapp, nampak ni "Nawal choose-- Pulai ke Nuang?" Allahu of course lah Pulai, kita pun rindu org utagha, pastu YAAAAAS petang tu terus gerak after kak maria habis kirija. So random man, I guess I kawan dengan semua kepala random, which is why I love them. Hehe

Sebab nak fullkan kereta, aku pun ajaklah konden, amad and emal. I know konden will always say yes to me. Hiks thanks mate, takpernah menghampakan bestfriend kau ni kan. Even ajak few hours before, takde planning apa. Haha lol so kitorg gerak from kl around 8.30 pm, singgah tidur jap dkt RnR sbb kkmaria dh out, then sampai dkt Pulai around 3.45 am gitu. Makan dekat warung sat, and gerak starting point. Tak ingat sangat log, sebab p pun nak lepak hammock je.

So ni plus minus lah eh, Mt. Pulai 24 September 2017 log:

4.30 am     Sampai starting point, start hike
6.57 am     Sampai peak
10.00 am   Start descend
11.30 am    Sampai starting point

Basically Pulai ni normally org naik santai around 3 hrs, and for me trek dia is 3/5, cane eh, as for me, satu line je, "Siapa kata Pulai senang?" Haha dia takdelah susah, I enjoyed the track so much, sebab dia memanjat, and pacak pangok sampai kesudah, which is good, sbb tak panjang, so takpenat sangat, maybe sbb dia berbatu, and batu dia tajam, so bahaya, can't imagine if org naik masa hujan, naik is fine, turun tu, you need to be extra careful. Susah dia dkt situ kut, masa turun, and sebab sangatlah bahaya. There's no room for a mistake, tergelincir and you're done. So far my favourite track. Just malas nak turun, sakit kaki woi. Nak lari pun cam dalam mimpi jelah haha

Starting point dia, korang waze je Sekolah Kebangsaan Pulai. Masuk from situ, belah kanan, dia lalu rumah org semua, jalan quite mcm entrance Liang. Gitu ah. Nnt parking je bawah tu, dia tepi sungai. Ada je tempat parking. No worries. And akan lalu jambatan besi lama. Start from situ la, awal awal dh pangok, redha jelah, and enjoy the journey! Plan manusianya nak tapau Mt. Baling sekali, tp semorang dah terkulai haha so lipak, weh Pulai pun dah cukup weh cius. View pun pawe, tp kitorg takdpt view sobs idk if its jerebu or what, the view shud be like dis (its from here). Geram kan cam why not jalan je atas permatang tu? Haha you can't, aku dh p riki dh cewah, its like 80 degree junam bawah, they shud build flying fox instead 

Wtv it is worth it lah p, even it takes forever to arrive there, plus tak tidur, and daypack je p Kedah pastu redah hiking pulak, it was fun. Sebab lineup pun, another family that I own, and lepas hike kitorg lepak Lata Bayu tu layan tiruk pulak. I guess sebab hiking lah aku jd aci redah gini, and boleh buat kl - kedah tu mcm sebelah sebelah. Cameron ape tah lagi. Kay azam aku is next weekend aku duk rumah, kali ni serious talk, tolong aa jangan ajak aku p memane dah, cius ni, hopefully weekend ni takdelah tetiba up dekat IG tetiba dekat Fraser Hills pulak. Eh apa? Semangkok? Hewhew

Just by that, Mt. Pulai, checked! 
Moga niat aku nk duk rumah weekend ni dipermudahkan haha kay ciao

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