Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Well, hello 2k17!

It's been awhile since the last time I write. Well, hello. Busy meh with everything, just ended my 7th semester busy with final year project etc. Tak sempat nak end my 2k16 with a proper trip, sebab busy sangat. Meh. Whatsapp penuh org ajak trip, mampu reject je, sedih amat. Haritu pun, pi Setia Alam Community Trail; first hike trip of 2k17. Lol taknak declare as trip pun sebenarnya, sebab biasa sangat. Ingat nak buat post tp duk bertangguh, sekali lupa hahaha sorry, I really am. Last two weeks, aku pi Lata Makau again, but this time buat tagging sikit, hope dpt la tolong ppl yang nak pi sana, idk how long it'll be there. Nnt kita buat proper punya k.

So, to a better 2017!

Plan this year bersepah meh, insya allah I'll be finishing my study in July. Korang doakan lah eh, moga dipermudahkan everything. Bolehlah buat CUS haha. And ikut plan, I'll be graduating my G7; this year juga, insya allah. Tp baru plan, full meh weekend every month. Haha. Share sikit lah becoming trip, insya allah.

2k17 #MG7N trips!
- Denai 3 Puteri 19 Feb 
- Mt. Kecil Hantu & Mt. Besar Hantu 11 March
- Mt. Korbu - Gayong 17-19 March
- Trans YYBTN April 
- Mt. Tahan 5-8 May 
- Mt. Chamah -  Ulu Sepat 15-20 July 
- Trans Jelawang
- Trans CBR
- Mt. Rajah via KKB
- Mt. Semangkok

If betul lah jadi semua trip ni, insya allah grad this year, dengan partner kita hehe. Forever and always; it's been our goal since forever. So, doa doa lah kita dpt pi semua. And yas, insya allah trans dua ketul tu and gunung bawah dia tu pun tengah in discussion. Oh ya, Tahan via Merapoh - Merapoh tu trip aku, nanti aku open, still tengah mohon permit meh, apa apa aku upload in ws/ig/fb. Meh lah, boleh on trek sekali hehe. Insya allah I'll write my Nubis Pi Hiking post again, starting with Denai 3 Puteri, selagi ingat. Doakan aku rajin haha.

K dh maghrib, ciao lu.

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